Ask Yourself These Two Questions If You Want To Learn A New Skill

4 Feb 21 | Business News, Mindset

Anyone can get better at anything. Perhaps you want to learn a completely new skill. Or maybe you just want to get better at something, professionally or personally. Many people lose interest in the goals they set for themselves – goals they were once determined to achieve.


In reality, determining if you truly want to learn something new or not depends on how you answer these two questions:

Do you really want to do better?

  1. Are you willing to feel the discomfort of trying new things that won’t work right away?
  2. If you honestly want to improve, you must answer “yes” to both of these questions.


Learning something new is uncomfortable. When we learn something new, we have to do things we haven’t done before. It’s challenging. You have to step outside your comfort zone, and act in ways that are not familiar. It involves risk-taking. It also takes immense patience. You need to accept that not everything you try will work the first time around.

To top it off, shame is inherently linked with learning new things. Making mistakes is never fun, even if we can later reflect on them to our betterment. Learning something new can feel… awkward. You’re almost guaranteed to feel embarrassed at some point. This will especially ring true for those who are used to succeeding a lot.

Ask Yourself These Two Questions If You Want To Learn A New Skill professional-development-ronin


When we were kids, learning something new was our norm. We had to learn to write, to read, to ride a bike. And we just did it.

Something tends to happen along the line, where learning something new is no longer a just a hill, but a mountain to climb.

A lot of us need reminding that anyone can get better at anything. Most people are not born special. Hard work, persistence and a willingness to face some level of discomfort along the way is the key to self-improvement.

Ronin Digital Marketing Brisbane Want Better Results


Chances are, there’s probably something you’ve been wanting to improve on, either professionally or personally. Perhaps you want to become a more captivating leader. Maybe you want to improve your communication skills, deepen your relationships, learn a new software program, improve your presenting skills or manage your time better. Whatever it is, if you truly want to learn it, and if you are willing to feel the discomfort of trying new things that won’t work right away, you can do it.


Learning something new can be challenging. At Ronin Marketing, our industry requires us to be constantly learning. We’re not just on top of the current marketing trends. We have to forecast the next five before they’ve even happened. For Ronin, learning is something we continue to do year after year, day after day. And looking at our portfolio, we can see our efforts have paid off.

Whether our clients are after website development, social media, SEO, content marketing or more, we know we can deliver. If you’re willing to try something new and step outside your comfort zone, contact our expert team today.

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