Online learning resources for business

Time’s always in short supply, but setting aside just a few hours a week for professional development is vital for those in leadership roles in order to grow and adapt to the evolving needs of your industry. The good news is that access is no longer a problem thanks to various forms of online delivery. Below is a list of some of the best the internet has to offer in terms of executive online learning and courses to develop your professional skillset and keep your business running seamlessly.

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As a leader in the business world, Harvard has designed an online platform aimed at leaders to pursue topics that you might not easily find elsewhere. From ‘Cognitive Fitness’ to ‘Data Science: Machine Learning’, there are a lot of free options and also lengthier, more thorough courses to keep your brain up-to-date.


Holding the position for being the trendsetters of human-centric design and an innovative and contemporary is IDEO U. A company not only well-respected within the design world but also by managers, giving participants the chance to hone their leadership skills amongst a global community. These self-paced courses focus on design thinking, innovation, and leadership in varying degrees and all aim to deliver practical and applicable ideas you can use immediately.


A workshop created by best-selling author and marketing guru, Seth Godin, the altMBA is a great digital resource that is run over 4-weeks and aimed at anyone willing to lean into growth and optimising their business toolkit. The course works on a diverse number of topics when it comes to leading a team from decision-making to driving innovation, and storytelling; all of which are critical when it comes to being the boss.


A resource designed purely for leaders in mind, Coursalytics does the hard work and gives users a round-up of some of the best executive learning courses out there. From the Stanford Center for Professional Development to Harvard Law School, there is almost guaranteed to be a course on here with the capability to make you a better leader and expand your mind.


A platform that’s home to plenty of variety when it comes to online learning, Udemy can be overwhelming when it comes to narrowing down which courses are actually worth your time. We’ve taken out the guesswork and compiled a few that are great bite-sized courses to spend your time on:

Culture | How to Manage Team Conflict
Charisma: You Can Develop Charisma
Ask Better Questions | Build Better Relationships
Advanced Agile Communication Skills for 21st Century Leaders

With a bit of extra time around the home these days,one of the best ways to keep your brain active is to upskill. Here at Ronin, we understand the importance of using time wisely and our team of marketing experts are constantly improving their skills to give our clients incomparable results. To find out more about how we can build your online presence with digital marketing, give us a call or reach out today.

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