Samford Pet Resort
Website Design | Social Media Marketing | Content Marketing
Responsive Web Design
Brand Redesign & Creative Marketing
Social Media, Content Marketing & SEO
When approaching the client’s new look and strategy we recognised we needed to combat the sense of anxiety that pet owners experienced when deciding to leave their fur-babies in someone else’s hands. We needed to establish a feeling of calm and confidence in our web design and content marketing to put those concerns to ease.

When approaching the client’s new look and strategy we recognised we needed to combat the sense of anxiety that pet owners experienced when deciding to leave their fur-babies in someone else’s hands. We needed to establish a feeling of calm and confidence in our web design and content marketing to put those concerns to ease.

To communicate the sense of ‘paradise’, every photo we utilised in our website design was hand-picked and paired with emotive copy to not only get the ‘aww’ factor but also to show pets having the time of their lives in the lush paradise.
As we didn’t have the opportunity to shoot our own professional photos of the location and venue before going live, it was important that our website design used stock photography that gave the right impression, so on almost every page of the site you’d be met with a large photo of beautiful canines and felines in wide open, green spaces.